Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Body & Soul ... of a different kind

Someone once told me, that an organization is like any 'body'. It has arms, legs, a heart, a brain, a spine.. every thing. Somehow, I don't entirely disagree. Come to think of it,.. it is pretty cool. Without the brain, the heart and the rest are no good. If the CNS is not co-ordinating everything, what good is the blood that's in the arteries and the veins.. that reach out to every single part of our body? What good are the nerve endings that pick up and transport signals? Basically, without one, the rest are just organs with immense potential but rendered useless.
  It takes a LOT of effort to put together something like this, and then, more importantly, maintain it and run it! To be a part of the brain, the heart, spine, blood, arteries, veins, limbs, eyes, etc... is like being the omnipresent creator of Earth! In a word, it's whacko! And somehow, it has to be made possible. Not because people have proved that organizations can be run. But because no one has proved what you want to prove. And because it's up to you, because it's important to you, YOU.. will create, will mould, will nurture, and grow with.. and metamorphose into WE.

In our effort to change from I & ME to US & WE, Wild On Wheels... will now be training volunteers, launching a range of products that will not only be innovative and durable, but will earn revenue for those tribes and locals that are not only stakeholders of, but the true vigilant protectors of our natural habitats... the sale of these products, will make it possible for under-privileged children as well as urban kids to have access to field experience, at a very early age, hence influencing wise decisions in the future from our coming generations.. in a move to life sustainably.
   We currently have T-shirts & mugs and calendars for sale... Anyone interested in purchasing any of the above, can leave a comment here, or revert back to us on: http://www.facebook.com/?sk=2361831622#!/group.php?gid=358173849880

Thank you :)

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